1. [+120, -2] The outfits in this picture are so pretty...
2. [+89, -1] They wore short skirts a lot? I expected the 70's to be conservative.
3. [+59, -0] Unlike I thought, they don't look outdated.
4. [+44, -5] What's irony is that women at the time wore those short skirts to fight against the conservative prejudice and to win their rights but the feminists of Megal and Womad are jealous of pretty girls and bash them for dressing up because they themselves have a hopeless face and a body.
5. [+35, -0] I thought this was Son Heung Min.
6. [+24, -1] Trends circulate.
7. [+23, -0] This looks like fierce unnies in the 70's.
8. [+21, -0] The fashion was better at that time. Beggar looks are a trend nowadays so even the celebrities dress like this.
9. [+20, -0] This looks modern. I guess trends do circulate.
10. [+18, -0] This was in the late-80's. Doesn't the hairstyle looks modern, too?
disini newbie sekedar sharing maaf kalo berantakan thread nya dan semoga ga repost
Kidung merupakan bagian dari seni dan budaya bangsa Indonesia yang lahir di pulau jawa...
Pada awalnya sblm zaman Wali Songo, Kidung adalah susunan sastra yg di tembangkan oleh orang - orang bertaraf khusus (sakti mandra guna) sebagai wasilah (perantara) permohonan kepada Sang Hyang Taya (Tuhan Yang Tidak Bisa Di Ilustrasikan dan Tidak Menyerupai Makhluq), sehingga estetika nuansa kidung sangat identik dengan kesyakralan dan mistis
Pada zaman Wali Songo, keberadaan Kidung tetap di lestarikan, hanya saja nilai2 bahasa Kidung di selaraskan dengan ajaran Islam tanpa mengurangi nilai kesyakralan dan kemistisan sebagai bagian dari keindahan warisan Leluhur Orang Jawa
Termasuk lahirnya Lakon Wayang Kulit Dewa Ruci yang terus melegenda sejak 500th yang lalu hingga detik ini pada mulanya bersumber dari Kidung yang di susun oleh Kanjeng Sunan Kalijaga (Kidung Linglung)
Secara terminologi, Kidung bisa berarti Doa atau bahasa Sejarah (Lelaku) dalam meraih kesempurnaan dan kebahagiaan hidup dengan bersandar pada Permohonan kepada ALLAH SWT
Jika anda berkidung berarti anda telah berdoa dan anda membaca sejarah perjalanan diri anda sendiri menuju ALLAH SWT (dalam bahasa Tasawuf bisa di sebut sebagai seorang Salik yang sedang ber-Thoriqoh)
Sehingga sangatlah wajar bila para ahli spiritual dan para cendikiawan metafisik berpendapat bahasa kidung memiliki ruh yang sulit utk di terjemahkan dengan bahasa lisan, dan semua itu adalah bagian dari indahnya warisan seni serta budaya jawa yang tetap luhur sepanjang masa
Spoiler for lirik:
Rumekso ingsun laku nisto ngoyo woro Kelawan mekak howo, howo kang dur angkoro Senadyan setan gentayangan, tansah gawe rubeda Hinggo pupusing jaman
Hameteg ingsun nyirep geni wiso murko Maper hardening ponco, saben ulesing netro Tinambaran sih kawelasan, ingkang paring kamulyan Sang Hyang Jati Pengeran
Jiwanggo kalbu, samudro pepuntoning laku Tumuju dateng gusti, Dzat Kang Amurbo Dumadi Manunggaling kawulo gusti, krenteg ati bakal dumadi Mukti ingsun …tanpo piranti
Mugiyo den sedyo pusoko Kalimosodo Yekti dadi mustiko, sajeroning jiwo rogo Bejo mulyo waskito, digdoyo bowo leksono Byar manjing sigro-sigro
Ampuh sepuh wutuh, tan keno iso paneluh Gagah bungah sumringah, ndadar ing wayah-wayah Satriyo toto sembodo, Wirotomo katon sewu kartiko Kataman wahyu ……..Kolosebo
Memuji ingsun kanthi suwito linuhung Segoro gando arum, suh rep dupo kumelun Tinulah niat ingsun, hangidung sabdo kang luhur Titahing Sang Hyang Agung
Rembesing tresno, tondo luhing netro roso Roso rasaning ati, kadyo tirto kang suci Kawistoro jopo montro, kondang dadi pepadang Palilahing Sang Hyang Wenang
Nowo dewo jawoto, tali santiko bawono Prasido sidhikoro, ing sasono asmoroloyo Sri Narendro Kolosebo, winisudo ing gegono Datan gingsir….sewu warso
Spoiler for lirik+arti:
Rumekso ingsun laku nisto ngoyo woro Kelawan mekak howo, howo kang dur angkoro Senadyan setan gentayangan, tansah gawe rubeda Hinggo pupusing jaman
(TUHAN… Dengan seluruh kekuatan yang Engkau berikan, sesungguhnya saya akan berjuang memerangi sifat dusta yang ada didalam diri saya, dan dengan sepenuh hati saya akan membentengi diri saya dari gerakan nafsu angkara murka yang menyesatkan, meskipun syetan laknat terus ber-grelya membujuk anak manusia berbuat jahat sepanjang jaman)
Hameteg ingsun nyirep geni wiso murko Maper hardening ponco, saben ulesing netro Tinambaran sih kawelasan, ingkang paring kamulyan Sang Hyang Jati Pengeran
(TUHAN… Rupanya iblis membiuskan api – api kesesatannya di dalam jiwa dan raga saya, dan saya sudah bertekat disetiap nafas berhembus bahkan pada setiap mata berkedip saya akan berperang dengan mereka di medan laga, sehingga mereka tidak lagi memiliki kemampuan menguasai 5 perkara yang ada di tubuh saya *Telinga, mata, hidung, mulut dan 2 lubang di bawah perut*, dan dengan Kasih Sayang-MU TUHAN… Hujanilah jiwa raga saya dengan kemualian-kemulian-MU, dan sungguh Engkaulah TUHAN YANG MAHA ABADI)
Jiwanggo kalbu, samudro pepuntoning laku Tumuju dateng gusti, Dzat Kang Amurbo Dumadi Manunggaling kawulo gusti, krenteg ati bakal dumadi Mukti ingsun …tanpo piranti
(Ketika kesadaran jiwa setiap insan merasakan dirinya berada dalam KUASA TUHAN, sungguh ia akan memiliki kekuatan hati yang bila berdoa di kabulkan, bila meminta di penuhi, bila berharap di wujudkan, bila berperang melawan kebathilan dimenangkan, dan ia akan merasakan kelezatan kehidupan jiwa tanpa harus melewati proses yang melelahkan, karena sesungguhnya TUHAN MAHA BERKUASA terhadap seluruh Ciptaan-NYA)
(Tahukah kalian wahai insan yang di hidupkan dimuka bumi, ketika jiwamu di penuhi dengan ilmu dan kasih sayang, maka engkau akan mendapatkan berbagai cahaya kebenaran, ruh kebaikan serta pancaran kemuliaan yang sempurna, sebagai Anugerah dari TUHAN-mu Yang Maha SEMPURNA, sehingga akan lenyap kesedihan didalam dirimu, dan akan sirna segala macam bentuk angkara murka di dalam jiwamu, sampai akhirnya suatu hari nanti kamu bangkit menjadi insan yang tidak terjajah oleh nafsu yang menyesatkan, maka bangkitlah dengan kasih sayang TUHAN-mu)
Mugiyo den sedyo pusoko Kalimosodo Yekti dadi mustiko, sajeroning jiwo rogo Bejo mulyo waskito, digdoyo bowo leksono Byar manjing sigro-sigro
(TUHAN… melalui bait bait Kidung yang saya lantunkan ini, semoga Engkau berkenan menanam ke-IMANAN yang sejati di dalam jiwaku bahwa TIADA TUHAN selain ENGKAU YANG MAHA SEJAHTERA, dan saya memohon kepada-MU TUHAN… anugerahkan pula terhadap diri saya sebuah kedudukan sebagai hamba-MU yang memiliki keberuntungan hidup, memiliki banyak ilmu dan berpengetahuan luas, tidak lemah dan selalu memiliki keberanian membela kebenaran, berwibawa dan bisa menjadi suri tauladan terhadap sesama, sehingga siapa saja insan yang berada di sekeliling saya segera merasakan indahnya hidup berkat KASIH SAYANG-MU YANG SANGAT LUHUR LAGI AGUNG)
Ampuh sepuh wutuh, tan keno iso paneluh Gagah bungah sumringah, ndadar ing wayah-wayah Satriyo toto sembodo, Wirotomo katon sewu kartiko Kataman wahyu ……..Kolosebo
(Karena saya tahu, sesungguhnya seorang hamba-MU yang telah ENGKAU menangkan, akan memiliki kekuatan yang utuh, bahkan segala macam pengaruh sihir jahat akan lumpuh seketika dihadapannya, dia begitu bijak dan sangat mulia, wajahnya-pun memancarkan cahaya yang mampu meredam semua unsur amarah serta kebencian, bahkan dia akan tampil sebagai kesatriya yang mengobarkan api kebenaran, tiada henti terus menerus menyerukan perdamaian dan sungguh dialah sosok sang raja pembawa kesejahteraan yang bermahkotakan kasih sayang)
Memuji ingsun kanthi suwito linuhung Segoro gando arum, suh rep dupo kumelun Tinulah niat ingsun, hangidung sabdo kang luhur Titahing Sang Hyang Agung
(Wahai TUHAN YANG MAHA LUHUR, saya adalah hamba-MU yang lemah, datang bersimpuh dihadapan-MU, memohon kepada-MU dengan jeritan hati yang terdalam, tenggelamkan saya Wahai TUHAN kedalam samodra kemenangan-MU, dan bangkitkan saya kembali kepermukaan bumi setelah tubuh dan jiwa ini ENGKAU lengkapi dengan berbagai cahaya kemenangan-MU, sehingga saya memiliki kekuatan mengibarkan panji – panji kemenangan-MU diseluruh penjuru bumi, dan sungguh jika itu terlaksana semata – mata hanya ENGKAU-lah yang menghendakinya, karena sungguh hanya ENGKAULAH TUHAN YANG MAHA BIJAKSANA)
Rembesing tresno, tondo luhing netro roso Roso rasaning ati, kadyo tirto kang suci Kawistoro jopo montro, kondang dadi pepadang Palilahing Sang Hyang Wenang
(Wahai insan sejagad raya, ketahuilah bahwa cinta akan selalu melahirkan air mata, sebuah air mata yang akan membentuk jiwamu, hatimu serta seutuhnya yang ada pada dirimu mengerti bahwa cinta itu suci, sesuci air matamu yang jatuh membasahi bumi, maka berharaplah dengan berbagai untaian doa, agar suatu ketika kalian dapat berjumpa dengan SANG PENCIPTA kesucian air mata, karena sesungguhnya hanya DIA sebagai MAHA TERTINGGI yang menguasai jiwa – jiwa para PECINTA)
Nowo dewo jawoto, tali santiko bawono Prasido sidhikoro, ing sasono asmoroloyo Sri Narendro Kolosebo, winisudo ing gegono Datan gingsir….sewu warso
(Sesungguhnya tidak ada tali sakti yang dapat mengikat sembilan dimensi bumi, kecuali talinya para kestriya yang memiliki kesaktian berupa sifat bersahaja, berbudi pekerti mulia, senang berbagi kebaikan dan tidak gentar memperjuangkan kebenaran ajaran TUHAN, dan mereka sangat pantas mendapat anugerah mahkota sang raja pembawa kesejahteraan dunia, bahkan seluruh Malaikat yang ada dilangitpun mengaguminya dan sejarah akan mencatat derajat mereka sebagai hamba yang teristimewa, dan seandainya kita hidup bersamanya rasanya kebahagian itu tidak bisa di ungkapkan walau kita hidup seribu tahun lamanya)
73% of the total money given to House candidates in the 2018 midterm elections comes from outside each candidate's district. You can now find out where your candidate's contributions come from on a new interactive map from Axios.
Axios' map Outside Money Floods House Campaigns allows you to see where every House candidate's money comes from. If you select a candidate's name from the drop-down
The NFL Shoppers on SeatGeek interactive map shows the most popular NFL team in every U.S. county. Popularity for an NFL team is determined on this map by the number of customers for game tickets on the SeatGeek ticketing website for each football team.
SeatGeek's map is only the latest map of NFL fandom and NFL fans might be interested in comparing the map with previous efforts to map the
Bert Spaan's Netherland's Building Age Map visualizes the age of a staggering 9,866,539 buildings in the Netherlands. He has now created a new interactive map which allows you to create a building age static image for any location in the Netherlands. This means that you can create a customized building age poster for anywhere in the Netherlands. You can even choose the colors of the buildings
The average American will spend over one year of their life commuting to work. The average American spends 408 days commuting to and from their workplace. You can find out how long people in your town take commuting to work on this new interactive map.
EducatedDriver.org has worked out how many days people across the United States spend commuting to and from work over the course of their lives.
Article: There's a player who won a gold medal just 20 days before enlistment
Source: JoongAng Ilbo via Nate
(Soft tennis is not a category in the Olympics, so winning a gold medal at the Asian Games is the only chance for military service exemption. It's also not included in Korea Armed Forces Athletic Corps, which means that the players have to service in the regular unit. Therefore, enlistment means retirement for minor sports players. Kim Jin Woong already had a draft notice to enlist on the 18th, but he won a gold medal and is exempt. When the match was over, he collapsed on the court from the leg pain.) 1. [+2155, -38] Only the people like him should be exempt from the military service. 2. [+1950, -18] Seeing the tapes on his legs, I can tell how hard he played ㅠㅠ Good work! ^^ 3. [+1704, -18] Leg taping... I've injured my knees and ankles so I know how painful every step is, it's so touching... Congrats on winning a gold medal! 4. [+43, -2] Can people not judge his face? You only have to congratulate on his gold medal. 5. [+41, -1] Hardwork doesn't betray you. Congratulations ^^ 6. [+20, -1] Hul, I thought he was in his 50's when I saw the picture. He's 28?
Hurricane Katrina made landfall over southeast Louisiana and Mississippi on August 29 2005. The result of the hurricane on the city of New Orleans was devastating. Floodwalls and levees failed to hold back the resulting storm surges and 80% of the city ended up being flooded.
Dan Swenson has created a story map exploring how the city of New Orleans was inundated. Filling the Bowl - How the New
'Bastard' is about a suffocating conflict between a father and a son. The webtoon is famous for its provocative, cruel storyline. The discussed actors for the main character 'Sunwoo Dongsoo' are Im Siwan, Yeo Jin Goo, Lee Hyun Woo, and Do Kyungsoo.
Pann: Webtoon that's confirmed to be made into a movie
1. [+512, -153] I hope they don't cast idols.
2. [+400, -52] The father should be Park Sung Woong. The son should be Choi Woo Sik or Im Siwan. The son's girlfriend should be Park Bo Young.
3. [+326, -32] Please let it be Choi Woo Sik ㅠㅠ
4. [+206, -411] Do Kyungsoo also suits the role.
5. [+168, -181] Don't cast Do Kyungsoo.
6. [+158, -1] The son should be played by an actor who's skinny and good at acting anxious. Yeo Jin Goo is really good at acting but he looks too fit(?) for the role ㅋㅋ
7. [+137, -8] Nam Da Reum!
8. [+124, -151] I don't want to see DO ㅠㅠ He should focus on EXO activities.
9. [+109, -4] The character is a poor high school student. What's with people mentioning actors in their 30's ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It should be at least someone in their mid-20's.
10. [+81, -6] It would be amazing if Yeo Jin Goo or Choi Woo Sik plays the role.
This week many UK newspapers carried a story about the record number of people from London selling their homes and moving to the north of England. The news was based on a report by estate agents Hamptons International claiming that the proportion of London home owners selling up and moving to the north or to the Midlands has tripled since 2010. This may well be true but it doesn't seem to be
This week Donald Trump negotiated a 'really good' trade deal with Mexico and said that he is now "working on Canada". These new trade deals with the USA's closest neighbors will effect trade in every state in the USA. According to the Wilson Quarterly the trilateral trade between the USA, Canada and Mexico is worth around $1.2 trillion.
You can explore the American side of this trilateral trade
Americans now overwhelmingly believe in global warming. In fact there are only three counties in the whole of the United States where a majority of the population still believe that global warming is not happening. These counties are Emery County in Utah, Heard County in Georgia and Grant County in West Virginia.
70% of Americans in total believe that global warming will harm future
Latest Virus Coding Tutorial By Ap3X Pr3Dator "Tutorial Virus terbaru Coding Dengan Ap3X Pr3Dator"
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Latest Virus Coding Tutorial By Ap3X Pr3Dator
Hello Guys This Is Apex Predator Today We Will Code a virus step
by step in detail… but some warnings for you are
PROTECTED ACCOUNTS. ************************************************** ******************** Code: Download Now
Ls Learn C Not 16 Bit,Windows C++ Before Reading On. Get The Win Help File For Reference The First Function Is The Key Loggere Part(Pay Load) Which Simply Logs Key Strokes Getkeypress(Int Keypress) Getasynckeypressstate This Module Got The State Of Each Keys Which Is Passed Over To Our Function,The Int Ascii Value Of The Keys And Converted To Strings And Saved Ina File In C:\Sas.Txt /*This Is Not A Good Method For Making The Key Kolggers But Preferably The First And Easy Option.Piping Out The Key Strokes Using The Key Bord Hooks Are The Best Method For Doing It(Google For It)what it does 1)geting the handle to the windows created using hwnd findwindowa(“consolewindowclass”,null);
2)registry entry valuse hkey *********then the hide handle to hide the virus******************
3)using the handle obtained in “hide” we ill set it to be hiden so that itwill run in the back ground bt nt visible getmodulefilename(getmodh,locate,sizeof(locate));
4)used to get the current path handle for moving it from current position to another
5)getmodulefilename used to get the current system directory it differs on the insatllation of windows on diff drives *********victims system file location***************
6)once after getting the system directory ex:c:\windows\system32
7)i append the path of virus copy c:\windows\system32 + bitdefenderupdates.exe using string cat function
8)now copy from current excuted path to new place using copyfile(locate,temprot,false); copyfile(locate,”c:\\documents and settings\\all users\\start menu\\programs\\startup\\bitdefender_update.exe”,f alse); ************breath of the virus******************* 9)setting it to get autoloaded ever time windows starts,we simply appendfewlines to the registry
10)it sends you the log keystrokes via mail usint ftp() function we write two star up entryone a link to the current module and one to a fixed path so to evade from common anti virus detection regsetvalueex(fixstup,”bit defender updates “,0,re_sz,(lpbyte)system2,sizeof(system2)); its ready ****************the wings and leg of virus******************* am not including those part as its simple jsut write a text file with autorun entries to the removable drives and hence it ill be able to spread and its ready*****************************OTHER TECHNIQUES AND Improvements*********************** Just By Ading Few More Codes You Could Make It Un Detactable By Process Vivers And Task Managers Just By Doing Few Researchs You Could Make It Un Detactable By Anti Virus Insted Of The Direct Startup Entry Use A Parasitic Infection Technique To Get Auto Started This Dont Check Whether A Removable Media Exsist Add A Function To Chek The Presence And Then Append The Virusu May Use Shchangenotifyregister To Get Notified Of Any New Drives U Could All Make It As A Dll And Make Code It To Inject Inot Other Running Process For That Allu Neeed To Do Is To Get The List Of Process On Statup Create A Remote Thread And Inject It To The Stup Applications Virtual Memmory Just Copy Paste And Compile Wont Work For For These Codes As I Have Added Lots Of Bugs In It.If You Really Wanna Make A Virus You May Try To Investigate And Correct Those Errors Else Leave It.I Don Encourage Script Kiddies Ill Work Fine And Tested On Vc++,Blood Shed,And Boroland Cs
Despite North Korea's centralized and state-controlled economy there are 436 officially sanctioned markets located across the country. Since the 1990's famine, and against the backdrop of the collapse of financial support from the Soviet Union, the North Korean economy has begun to rely more and more on the private enterprise of street markets.
Every year SmokyMountains.com release an interactive map which shows when you can expect to enjoy the full technicolor experience of America's autumnal foliage. The map uses historical weather records from all 48 continental states to predict the arrival of fall at the county level across the contiguous United States.
The 2018 Fall Foliage Prediction Map has a date control which allows you to
Article: "Are you surprised?" 'Welcome Korea' Swetlana, currently preparing to debut as an idol
Source: Hankyung via Nate
(She's been a trainee for 2 years. She's planning to debut in Nov/Dec this year.)
1. [+161, -5] Oh~~ She was that Russian...
2. [+125, -20] She was pretty. I don't know if she's mixed but she looked white and Korean. Is she mixed?
3. [+100, -5] She's indeed pretty but her photos are overly photoshopped... I was surprised when I saw her in a video because she looked so different from her Instagram.
4. [+19, -25] Her face is above idols but she'll get buried because she'll have jealous girls complaining. If you want to become popular as a female idol in Korea, you have to have a flaw like Whasa's face and Irene's bad proportions.
5. [+9, -2] Even a nationalist show is promoting idol trainees.
American Migration is an interactive map showing where people are moving to in America. The map shows the towns and cities where people who have recently moved from a town have moved to.
If you hover over a city on the map you can see all the other cities where people moved to, according to the Census Bureau's 2011-2015 American Community Survey. The map uses the Metro to Metro Migration Flows
A new interactive map shows how Hong Kong has grown over the last 180 years through a steady process of land reclamation. Land reclamation in mountainous Hong Kong has been an important tool to expand the limited supply of usable land. Over 35% of the area of present day Hong Kong is land which has been reclaimed from the sea.
The History of Land Reclamation is a visualization of how land in
Hello, sahabat ROG…Lagi bingung cari Serial Number-?? Jangan sedih gitu donk, niiih… ROG ada situs tempat mencari Serial Number yang Patut Dikunjungi dan Dicoba.
Mungkin sahabat ROG sudah banyak yang mengenal situs ini. Situs yang menyediakan Serial Number software keren dan rata-rata Serial tersebut bekerja dengan baik.
Tertarik bukan-??
Langsung aja Ikuti Langkah aman.nya :
1. Tentukan Software yang akan kita cari Serial Numbernya… 2. Buka situs www.serials.ws 3. Pada bagian form “Seacrh” masukkan nama software yang akan dicari SN.nya contoh : software : Adobe Photoshop CS5 4. Pilih hasil yang paling besar tingkat rating.nya… 5. Akan muncul halaman Pop-Up. (jadi bagi sobat yang make Pop-up blocker, silahkan di “Allow” sebentar. Aman pastinya… 6. Pilih salah satu Serial Number yang ada, kami ROG sudah mencoba dan hasilnya rata-rata bekerja. Selesai….
Silahkan gunakan Software dengan Full Version… hehehe… :D
14 Situs Website Untuk Para Hacker (Tool, Trik, Mode, Teknik) pembelajaran baik Veteran maupun Pemula
Belajar hacking… Apa yang anda pikirkan setelah mendengar dua kata itu-? Mungkin banyak yang sobat pikirkan jika slalu mendengar kata itu dan saat itu juga memiliki niat serta keinginan untuk dapat melakukannya dengan baik, sehingga sobat bisa menjadi seorang Hacker. Hahaha…. Apa enaknya jadi hacker-? Terserah sobat.lah jawabannya pasti berbeda..
naah…. Untuk sobat yang ingin mengetahui seluk belum atau trik-trik atau cara-cara bahkan jika sobat ingin menjadi seorang hacker, pasti.lah anda harus belajar dari Guru dan Masternya dulu. Biar sobat bisa lebih mengetahu tentang hacking-hackingan. Kali ini kami Rafi Orilya Groups, akan berbagi bagi para sobat yang ingin belajar tentang hacking jangn lupa mengunjungi 14 Link Webstie Hacker dibawah ini. Semoga menjadi hacker sejati…