Showing posts with label transit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label transit. Show all posts

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

London to Brighton in Four Minutes

In 1953 the BBC filmed a non-stop train journey from London Victoria to Brighton. The journey took one hour, but the filmmakers sped up the movie to compress it into just 4 minutes. You can watch the whole four minutes of this sped-up train journey on YouTube.

In 2013, sixty years after the original film was made, the BBC filmed the same London to Brighton train journey. You can now watch the

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

The World's Trains in Real-Time

A number of interactive maps now allow you to watch the train networks of entire countries in real-time. These incredible maps show all the trains across a whole country moving at the same time.

A good example is Belgium's Train Map, which shows all of Belgium's trains moving in real-time on top of an interactive map. The map shows inter-city trains (IC), peak hour trains (P) and slow trains (L

Friday, 21 September 2018

The UK Isotim Travel Map

There are lots of interactive isochrone maps, which can show you how far you can travel within a set amount of time. But there aren't many interactive isotim maps, maps which show you how far you can travel for different amounts of money.

In the UK you can now use faremap to see how far you can travel on public transit for the change you currently have in your pocket. Enter a destination into

Monday, 10 September 2018

Subway Specs - Part II

New York architect Candy Chan was so amazed to discover that there are no three-dimensional plans of New York subway stations that she decided to go ahead and create her own. The result is X-Ray Area Maps, a series of beautifully drawn bird's eye view illustrations of subway stations which reveal the tunnels, platforms and escalators which exist under New York's streets.

Last Year Chan

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Harry Beck's Live London Tube Map

Mathew Somerville's Live London Tube Map has been tracking the real-time movements of London Underground trains since 2010. It provides an incredible live view of the tube, showing all the network's trains moving in real-time on a map of London.

Over the years the Live London Tube Map has had a few updates. Most significantly it shifted from using the Google Maps API to Leaflet.js. It also now

Monday, 20 August 2018

Taxis are the New Pizza

In the early days of online mapping the go to demo for any new mapping platform was an interactive mapped visualization of pizza restaurants. These days the go to demo map appears to be New York taxi data. Here are just a few of the interactive maps which have visualized taxi journeys in New York.

NYC Taxi Rides is a comprehensive data visualization of New York yellow cab taxi rides. The map

Friday, 17 August 2018

The Streetcars of San Francisco

The wonderful Where the Streetcars Used to Go now includes an interactive map of the historical streetcar network in the East Bay. Where the Streetcars Used to go is a fascinating map visualizing the San Francisco streetcar transit network as it existed in 1941 & 1956 and as it exists today. It now includes the tram lines that were once operated by the Key System company in Berkeley and Oakland

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

How far can you travel on a Dublin bus?

Dublin is currently planning a major overhaul of its bus network. This will involve a more efficient network which connects more locations and which will carry more passengers. Of course the new network also carries the danger of upsetting existing customers, who are familiar with the current routes and services.

What better way to show the benefits of the new Dublin bus network than with an

