Showing posts with label The Clash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Clash. Show all posts

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Protesters chanting "We believe survivors" drive Ted Cruz out of a D.C. restaurant.

Here's the write-up in the NY Post:
Following Cruz and his wife through the restaurant, the self-described constituent and “survivor of sexual assault” then proceeds to shout: “Senator, I have a right to know what your position is on Brett Kavanaugh.”

To which Cruz says, “God bless you, ma’am.”

The activists eventually surround his table, prompting the Republican and his wife to leave. “Let’s go ahead and go,” Cruz can be heard saying....

“Vote no on Kavanaugh!” one protester screamed at him. “Cancel Kavanaugh for women’s rights.”
Is this group for real? Because they are helping Kavanaugh. False flag? Stupid people? Deliberately careless chaos-making?

This seems to be their Facebook page. The same videos are posted there. 400+ comments, including:

1. "Beto is way hotter than you, dude"

2. "Beto wouldn’t approve of this type of behavior!!! Just saying"/"Then fuck him too. Power to the people, not the politician."/"Who gives a shit? Beto ain’t the revolution."/"You must not know who the clash are then. Beto name checked their song the clampdown in reference to Ted Cruz, he might not be able to outwardly approve of harassing ted Cruz but I doubt he's opposed to it."

3. "There is a whole lot of people commenting here that come November 2018 are going to be crying like they did in November 2016! Antics like these drive people in the middle away! Not wanting guilt by association!"

4. "This is disgusting, you people are simply thugs. You win the argument with reasoned debate not harassment and chants. Morons"

5. "I wish these douchebags would try that shit in front of me, they would all be taking a trip to the local trauma center. I have had enough of the leftist bullshit and its time we conservatives fight back"

At that Facebook page, they are also identified as @AntifaDC.

As for those comments, I don't agree with any of them. I mean #1 is technically true, just irrelevant. I agree with part of #3 but wouldn't make an outright prediction about the midterms. 2 of the sentences in #4 are true, but the middle one is only a nice idea. #5 — which may itself be false-flag, shows the right can be just as ugly as the left. #2 is a jumble of comments, but what's the bit about The Clash? I have to do research. Okay:

From Spin, "Beto O’Rourke Could Be the First Candidate for U.S. Senate to Reference The Clash in a Debate":
Beto O’Rourke might just be the coolest candidate in U.S. Senate history. It’s a well-known fact that he grew up playing in punk bands with At The Drive-In’s Cedric Brixler-Zavala, and he also jammed with Willie Nelson at the songwriter’s annual Fourth of July picnic this year in Austin. Now as Splinter points out, the Texas democrat snuck in a reference to The Clash’s 1979 song “Clampdown” in a debate Friday night with Senator Ted Cruz. What can’t he do?

“I want to make sure that, again, we’re not giving away to corporations or special interests,” O’Rourke said. “That’s what Senator Cruz would do thanks to the contributions that he’s received from those political action committees. He’s working for the clampdown and the corporations and the special interests. He’s not working for the people of Texas.”
Here's "Clampdown" at YouTube, and here are the lyrics. Excerpt:
In these days of evil presidentes
(Workin' for the clampdown)
But lately one or two has fully paid their due
For (workin' for the clampdown)
Ha! Get along! Get along!
(Workin' for the clampdown)
Ha! Get along! Get along!
(Workin' for the clampdown)
Speaking of Ted Cruz and restaurants, according to his wife, "He's the first one to say let's go out and eat hair. Human hair."


