Showing posts with label census. Show all posts
Showing posts with label census. Show all posts

Friday 5 October 2018

The Living Conditions of Children in France

The French government's Department of Research and Statistics has published an interactive map which shows the levels of access children in France have to childcare, health facilities and other important services.  The Living Conditions of Children in Metropolitan France map visualizes a number of different variables which allow you to compare child services across different regions of the

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Getting to Know Basle

Most Americans in Basle live in Altstadt Grossbasel. Germans living in Basle prefer the neighborhoods of Riehen and Bettingen, which are right next to the German border. The Riehen and Bettingen neighborhoods are also popular with old people. Most young adults (20–39) live in Rosental, Gundeldingen, Matthäus and Altstadt Kleinbasel. These are also some of the least popular neighborhoods for

Mapping Migration Flow

Migration in Latvia is a wonderfully designed interactive map which visualizes the country's internal migration flow. The map was developed by Latvia's Central Statistics Bureau.

The overall choropleth view of Latvia visualizes the number of people who have left each town and region in Latvia since the year 2000. You can also toggle this choropleth view to show the number of people who have

Wednesday 5 September 2018

The NSW Population Explorer

The New South Wales Planning & Environment department has created an interactive map which shows the movement of residents in and out of the state. The map uses data from two different Australian censuses to show where people who moved between 2006 and 2011 moved to and from.

The Population Explorer map allows you to explore migration in and out of New South Wales at three different levels of

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Internal Migration in the USA

American Migration is an interactive map showing where people are moving to in America. The map shows the towns and cities where people who have recently moved from a town have moved to.

If you hover over a city on the map you can see all the other cities where people moved to, according to the Census Bureau's 2011-2015 American Community Survey. The map uses the Metro to Metro Migration Flows

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Ich Bin Kein Berliner

Less than 47% of people who live in Berlin were born in the German capital. The vast majority of Berliners were born outside of the city. You can view where all these newcomers to Berlin originally came from in a new interactive map from the German broadcaster RBB.

The Cities and Countries Where Berliners Come From is a dot map showing the places around the world where Berliners were born. Each

Saturday 18 August 2018

The Ethnic Dot Map of Estonia

The Ethnic Dot Map of Estonia is an interactive map which shows where different ethnic groups are living in Estonia. The map contains 1.29 million dots, each dot representing a different Estonian. The map was created using data from the 2011 census. On the map the blue dots show Estonians, the red dots represent Russians and the green dots are for other ethnic groups. Purple dots show people of

Wednesday 8 August 2018

The Population Density of the USA in 3D has created a series of interactive maps to explore the population of the United States and how that population has changed over time. These maps visualize the population density of the United States today and how the population center of the country has shifted during its short history.

3D Population Density of the US is an interactive map which shows the population density of

