Showing posts with label WashingtonDC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WashingtonDC. Show all posts

Friday, 28 September 2018

The Tunnels Under Capitol Hill

Underneath the palatial government buildings on Capitol Hill lies an underground network of tunnels connecting the United States Capitol to the Library of Congress, the Senate Office Building, the Home Office Building, the Supreme Court, the House of Representatives and other government buildings.

You can learn more about Washington D.C.'s underground tunnels on the Capitol Hill Tunnels story

Friday, 7 September 2018

The D.C. Stop & Frisk Map

Black residents in Washington D.C. are the target of 80% of the police department's forcible stops. 9 in 10 of those black residents stopped & frisked by the police are male. Black residents in D.C. are stopped by the police at a rate far higher than the proportion of black residents in D.C. and far higher than the number of crimes committed by black residents. White residents in D.C. are

