Wednesday 5 September 2018

KakaoTalk to finally implement 'delete sent message' feature

Article: "Oops, I sent it by mistake..." KakaoTalk to implement 'delete sent message' feature

Source: Yeonhap via Nate

1. [+3457, -30] This is a feature that was really needed ㅠㅠ

2. [+3030, -31] We really need this feature.

3. [+2919, -32] It's good to have a delete feature.

4. [+235, -2] It's useless if the person already read my message in a pop-up notification.

5. [+196, -4] But a lot of people leave the messages unread on purpose ㅋㅋ Don't a lot of people read the messages in notifications? It would be funny if the person already read my message in a notification but it turns out to be deleted later.

6. [+182, -4] Can they also stop the feature where people can add me as a friend as long as they have my phone number? They need to implement a friend request feature.

7. [+160, -2] What's more needed is a feature that doesn't let non-friends see my profile.

8. [+141, -6] Can they also make a feature to delete a friend? We can only hide or block a friend, it's ambiguous.

9. [+121, -1] Katalk needs to step up. Other messangers already have a delete feature, temporary-photo picture, translator feature, and etc. Katalk only has useless features since they're busy selling their emoticons.

10. [+112, -0] Please make an invitation request feature when I get added to a group chat!

Creating Simulations with Leaflet Maps

AgentMaps is a new LeafletJS plug-in that allows you to create animated social simulations on an interactive map. These social simulations can take the form of simulated neighborhood commuting patterns, the spread of an epidemic in a town, traffic flow around an intersection or anything else that requires modelling the flow of agents around a location on a map.

AgentMaps allows you to build and

SHINee's peak vs 2PM's peak

Pann: SHINee's peak vs 2PM's peak

1. [+249, -22] SHINee and 2PM were similar but 2PM skyrocketed with Again & Again and reached the top of the music industry. The idol market used to be full of pretty boys who had no shoulders but 2PM brought the trend of beast-dols. 2009 was the year of 2PM. Their peak lasted short but their popularity was amazing. At my school, my friends would watch Wild Bunny and talk about 2PM all the time. Youtube wasn't popular in Korea at that time so the views weren't important.

2. [+128, -5] SHINee's popularity wasn't enough to be sensational but they were always pretty popular. 2PM's peak was short but they were sensational. It's like 2PM reached the top and then disappeared. Those who went to school in 2009~2010 would know. Chocolate abs were a trend. At gayo daejun, SNSD represented female idols and 2PM represented male idols. MBC gayo daejun was 2PM's party.

3. [+79, -12] SHINee was also popular but I could feel 2PM's popularity.

4. [+75, -146] Before BTS's DNA, SHINee's Lucifer was the most popular song of K-pop boy groups. It reached 10M views in the shortest time for K-pop boy groups.

5. [+72, -3] From what I've felt, it's 2PM for peaking and SHINee for being on a long-run. 2PM's peak was outstanding. They were the first group to bring beast-dol concept. I think their highest peak was Heartbeat. Their clothes-ripping performance and human castle were so shocking. I didn't find them charming because I was young at that time but If I saw them at my current age, I would've liked them a lot.

6. [+69, -14] Debuted in 2008. I was in high school and I was really interested in idols. In my opinion, it's 2PM. SHINee is on a long-run but 2PM's peak was bigger.

7. [+67, -1] Bigbang's manager told Bigbang members to be aware of 2PM ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Again & Again, I Hate You, reality show Wild Bunny... They were very popular by the public. After Jay Park left, Heartbeat also hit daebak but their popularity shrank afterwards. 2009 was 2PM's year, they were a syndrome.

8. [+60, -5] I don't know how idol fans would see this but as someone who's not interested in idols, 2PM had a bigger impact. They created the 'beast-dol' word and they were so popular. Their popularity died after Jay Park left. It might not be true for their fans but for the public, they faded away after that.

9. [+48, -2] SHINee was constantly popular whereas 2PM was explosively popular for a short time. Isn't this a fact? Honestly, there isn't a woman who didn't like 2PM during Heartbeat. Their beast concept was so popular, even a new group named Beast debuted.

10. [+46, -7] 2PM's peak was short but they reached the top. SHINee might not have reached the top but they're on a long-run for 10 years with decent popularity.

CARA MEMBUAT IKLAN POP UP (MELAYANG) Tutorial Menambah Aplikasi Iklan Pop UP atau iklan melayang di blogspot

CARA MEMBUAT IKLAN POP UP (MELAYANG) Tutorial Menambah Aplikasi Iklan Pop UP atau iklan melayang di blogspot - Ketemu lagi hari ini dengan artikel terbaru Panduan sukses blogger hari ini. Artikel kali ini adalah Cara Membuat Tampilan Iklan Pop UP (Melayang) di blogger. ini sangat mudah untuk anda buat. hanya sedikit menambah kode ke dalam blog anda. anda penasaran, berikut ini cara-caranya.

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Semoga artikel singkat di atas bermanfaat buat anda semua dan untuk mempercantiknya lagi anda bisa mengeditnya sendiri. salam sukses....

Cara membuat iklan pop up (melayang) pada blog, memasang iklan pop up di blogspot. tutor membuat iklan melayang pada blog, langkah menambah aplikasi iklan pop up atau melayang pada blospot, cara memasang iklan pop up melayang.


Tuesday 4 September 2018

Satellite Imagery of Typhoon Jebi

Japan has been hit by the strongest typhoon it has experienced in over 25 years. Typhoon Jebi made landfall in western Japan on Tuesday with winds of up to 107mph.

You can view satellite imagery of the storm on EOSDIS Worldview. Worldview allows you to explore almost 20 years of global satellite imagery. The imagery comes from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)

How Popular is Your Name?

The Zato Novo Baby Name Interactive Map can show you how popular your name is in every state of the USA. It can even show you how the popularity of your name has changed throughout the last 100 years.

Enter your name into the map and you can view an animated choropleth view showing the popularity of that name in each state for every year since the name's first occurrence in the US census. If

Should BTS be exempt from the military service like Son Heung Min?

Article: "Son Heung Min can but BTS can't... What's the criteria?"

Source: Choson Ilbo via Naver

1. [+17870, -2014] Celebrities can easily have a comeback after a 21-month hiatus. But if sports stars take a 21-month hiatus, it's hard for them to recover their sports skills. Also, their competitors might take their spots during the hiatus.

2. [+12275, -1473] Go to bed instead of writing a stupid article like this ㅋㅋㅋ Stop reaching, you think Son Heung Min and BTS are the same? What did BTS do for the nation?

3. [+6663, -249] Why is this mentioning Son Heung Min? Son Heung Min didn't get exempt because he's Son Heung Min, he's exempt because he won a gold medal.

4. [+5693, -192] BTS is a business form for personal profits but sports is a category that represents Korea. What is this crap?

5. [+5712, -220] PSY: I enlisted twice.

6. [+2668, -61] BTS did enhance national prestige in some ways, but they're commercial singers. Their only purpose is business profits, not national profits. If you think BTS is bringing foreign currencies, then what about the workers of major companies that do a lot of exports? Stop talking nonsense. Hallyu was already established and BTS is doing well, don't interrupt BTS like this.

7. [+1885, -52] Son Heung Min is a national player who gets paid by the nation. BTS is artists who get paid by their private enterprise.

8. [+1658, -57] I'm a guy and I like BTS, but this isn't right ㅋㅋ Sports players and singers are different. If BTS get exempt, then what about other singers? What should be the criteria for military service exemption? Charting on the billboard? That doesn't make sense because the billboard chart might be influential but it's still an American chart whereas the Asian Games and the Olympics are global competitions.

Halaman Blogspot Pake PasswordPassword Protected Page on Blogger

Password Protected Page on Blogger

Cara Membuat Halaman Blogspot Pake Password gampang banget. Jika Anda ingin hanya orang tertentu, bahkan cuma Anda sendiri, yang bisa membuka halaman (page) statis di blog blogspot, buatlah password untuk halaman tersebut.

Cotohnya silakan klik: Halaman Statis Blog Pake Password.

Ini dia cara cara membuat password pada halaman blogspot alias Cara Membuat Halaman Blogspot Pake Password :

1. Login ke Blogger  >> Dashboard >> Pages >>
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3. Isi judu/nama Halaman
4. Isi halamannya dengan tulisan atau materi yang Anda inginkan
5. Klik “HTML”
6. Masukkan kode berikut ini sebelum atau sesudah isi halaman:

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4. Ganti teks berwarna merah dengan versi Anda, terutama PASSWORD.
5. Ganti teks SITE-LINK dengan URL Page/Halaman Blogspot Anda.
6. Save!

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Cara Terbaik Membuat Anti Copas dan Anti Klik Kanan di Blog

Cara Terbaik Membuat Anti Copas dan Anti Klik Kanan di Blog - Di kalangan blogger bicara tentang COPAS sudah sering kita dengar. Bahkan dibeberapa blog anda akan membaca tulisan, COPAS ijin dulu, bila ingin COPAS baca ini dulu, klik disini, bla...bla...bla...bla... dan seterusnya...

Cara Terbaik Membuat Anti Copas dan Anti Klik Kanan di Blog
Sebenarnya, orang atau blogger tersebut bila menulis kata-kata di atas, dia suka bila postingannya di copas. (maaf ini hanya pandangan saya...) Alasan saya, kalao memang artikelnya tidak ingin di COPAS, pasang saja script anti copas atau anti klik kanan. Sipembaca pun dengan sendirinya akan tidak meng-COPAS-nya. Benar gak sih.... hehehehe

Apa itu Copas

COPAS berasal dari kata CO dan PAS, CO itu singkatan COPY, PAS singkatan dari PASTE. COPAS adalah tindakan atau melakukan COPY (salin) langsung sebuah artikel dari sumber tulisan tanpa repot-repot menulis artikel hasil karya sendiri. Dan biasanya, artikel yang di COPAS oleh tukang Copas, tidak mencantumkan sumber atau LINK artukel tersebut.

Bila kita lihat secara hukum, bahwa orang yang melakukan tindakan COPAS merupakan sebuah pelanggaran atau pencurian hasil karya orang lain.

Bagaimana Cara Agar Atikel kita Tidak Bisa di Copas?
Untuk selanjutnya ikuti langkah-langkah berikut.

1. Silahkan buka akun blog anda sendiri.
2. Masuklah ke Elemen Layout atau Tata Letak
3. Pilih Add a Gadget atau Gadget Baru
4. Setelah muncul kotak baru, lalu pilih HTML/JavaScript
5. Salin / Copy lah Script di bawah ini lalu tempatkan (Paste) di Gadget yang baru anda buat.
<script> var message="Maaf,,, Untuk sementara dilarang klik kanan !!!";
function clickIE4(){if (event.button==2){alert(message);return false;}} function clickNS4(e){if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){if (e.which==2||e.which==3){alert(message);return false;}}} if (document.layers){document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN);document.onmousedown=clickNS4;} else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){document.onmousedown=clickIE4;} document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false")</script>
6. Apabila semua sudah beres, lalu SIMPAN Gadget Baru tersebut.
7. Selesai dan lihat hasilnya.

Gampang bukan, demikianlah Bagaimana Cara Terbaik Membuat Anti Copas dan Anti Klik Kanan di Blog. Selamat Mencoba. Salam. Blogger

