Saturday 25 August 2018

Cara Membuat Teks Bercahaya (Neon) dan Berkedip di HTML

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb

 - Selamat malam agan-agan, kali ini saya akan share sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan HTMLdan CSS.  Di sini agan-agan pasti sudah mengenal HTML dan CSS. Malam ini, yang akan saya share adalah,

Sperti contoh di bawah ini.

Bagaimana? apakah agan tertarik untuk mencoba?
Jika begitu saya akan jelaskan langkahnya.

1. Copas code berikut dibawah </head>
      h1 {
    color: #19abff;
    font-size: 40px;
    margin: 1px auto;
    .neon {
    color: #FFFFFF;
    text-shadow: 0 0 5px #19abff, 0 0 10px #19abff, 0 0 20px #19abff, 0 0 45px #19abff, 0 0 40px #19abff;
*Tulisan merah berarti dapat diganti. 
*# adalah kode warna. Kode warna dapat dicari di google.

2. Copas juga code berikut dibawah code yang tadi.
<script language="JavaScript1.2">
function ClearError() {return true;}
window.onerror = ClearError;
window.onload = function() {
var h1 = document.getElementsByTagName("h1")[0],
text = h1.innerText || h1.textContent,
split = [], i, lit = 0, timer = null;
for(i = 0; i < text.length; ++i) {
split.push("<span>" + text[i] + "</span>");
h1.innerHTML = split.join("");
split = h1.childNodes;

var flicker = function() {
lit += 0.01;
if(lit >= 1) {
for(i = 0; i < split.length; ++i) {
if(Math.random() < lit) {
split[i].className = "neon";
} else {
split[i].className = "";
setInterval(flicker, 100);
<h1>Contoh Teks bercahaya dan berkedip</h1>
 *Tulisan merah dapat diganti. 

3. Selesai.

Membuat Teks Bercahaya dan Berkedip di HTML

4. Silahkan di save dan dicoba.
5. Jika ada kesalahan silahkan bertana di komentar.

Sekian dari saya, terima kasih..

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb

Cara Sedot Bandwith Wifi dengan CMD

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb

Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya akan share trik yang udah gak aneh lagi, tapi bisa dipakai.
Cara Sedot Bandwith wifi.

Apa itu Bandwith
Bandwidth dapat diartikan dengan ukuran dari transfer data yang telah dilakukan oleh website anda. Bandwidth dipengaruhi dan ditentukan oleh jumlah pengunjung, banyaknya halaman yang dikujungi dan juga besarnya file yang diakses.

Apa itu CMD
CMD (Comamand Prompt) adalah salah satu bentuk interface dari komputer.

Cara Membuka CMD
Tekan Icon Windows + R ( RUN ) lalu ketik CMD, enter.

Cara Sedot Bandwith Wifi dengan CMD

Jika sudah mengerti, ayo kita lanjutkan.

Cara Sedot Bandwith Wifi
1. Buka CMD
2. ketik ipconfig /all, maka akan terbuka Windows IP Configuration
Cara Sedot Bandwith Wifi dengan CMD
 3. Cari DNS Server : [muncul angka-angka seperti di atas] *note : DNS setiap wifi berbeda, jadi sesuaikan dengan DNS Server pada wifi yang tersambung dengan anda.
4. Copy/tuliskan angka tersebut (
5. Buka CMD kembali
6. ketikan ping -l 500 [DNS Server/angka yang tadi dicopy] -t * Note : 500 adalah jumlah bandwith yang kalian inginkan. bisa diubah menjadi berapapun (1000 atau 2000).
7. Enter
8. Maka akan muncul seperti ini
Cara Sedot Bandwith Wifi dengan CMD

Cukup Sekian, Terima kasih
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb

Cara Membuat Cronjob di Google Script

Apa itu Cron Job?
Cron merupakan program/job/process yang berfungsi untuk melakukan schedule terhadap suatu program yang nantinya akan dijalankan pada suatu saat tertentu tergantung pengaturannya.

Cara Membuat Cron Job
1. Buka Google Script
Cara Membuat Cronjob di Google Script
2. Klik Start Scripting
3. Klik Close
4. Hapus semua kode yang ada lalu replace dengan kode di bawah ini
function cronExecute() {
var url = ""; // ganti dengan url kalian yang ingin dibuat cronjob
var options = {
"method" : "get",
"headers" : {'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla Firefox 14.0',
'Accept-Charset' : 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7'
"payload" : "",
"contentType" : "application/xml; charset=utf-8"

var request_starttime = new Date();
// fetch the HTTP / HTTPS request and get the response
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,options);
var request_endtime = new Date();
*Note : Ganti dengan link agan.

5. Setelah selesai, klik icon Save

Cara Membuat Cronjob di Google Script

6. Setelah itu beri nama 
Cara Membuat Cronjob di Google Script

7. Klik icon Countdown Clock. Fungsinya untuk mengatur jadwal.
Cara Membuat Cronjob di Google Script

8. Lalu klik save. Tunggulah sampai cronjob yang agan pasang benar-benar bekerja.

Sekian dari saya, terima kasih

Hidden PPLs in 'Mr. Sunshine'

'France Bakery' and their snacks - PPL for 'Paris Baguette'

Cups & bottles are products of 'Odense'

The music box is a product of 'Orgel House'

Snacks & signs for 'Dal.komm Coffee'

Matryoshka dolls are a product of 'Bonicrew'

Jewelry & purses are a product 'Lovcat' and ''Celeb Shop Edition'

Baeksook (chicken soup) is a product of 'Mom's Touch'


Article: "Didn't know they were PPL"... How much PPL do you recognize from 'Mr. Sunshine'?

Source: Money S via Nate

1. [+896, -22] I really had no idea about the chicken soup ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+865, -24] The period of the storyline is different but the PPLs were included appropriately ㅋㅋㅋㅋ The PPLs are not too much, either. I think it's fine.

3. [+862, -7] I think the PPL companies paid this journalist to write an article because their product didn't stand out at all.

4. [+42, -3] They're telling us with an article because we couldn't figure them out ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+36, -1] Didn't expect the chicken soup to be a PPL ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+33, -0] Honestly, I didn't recognize all of them except Paris Baguette. I think the journalist was asked to write this article because the viewers had no idea ㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+20, -0] Honestly, Goblin had too much PPL going on...

The Sexist Streets of Brazil

São Paulo based data visualization company MedidaSP has released an interactive map which colors all of Brasil's streets based on whether they have male or female names. The Gender of (almost) All the Streets of Brazil is an impressive data visualization exposing what is obviously a thoroughly sexist approach to naming roads in Brazil.

All streets named for men are colored blue on the map and

Athletes are not a boyfriend material?

Pann: Is it really not ideal to date an athlete?

1. [+424, -31] Athletes with a warm heart like Ki Sung Yong and Park Ji Sung are rare ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Most athletes are short-tempered because they have to be able to use their energy at once. I've barely seen athletes who are good to women. Even in foreign countries, you hear a lot of violence news from celebrity & athlete couples.

2. [+358, -8] They have a lot of women around them and they think they're the best.

3. [+356, -2] Athlete Kwak Yoon Gi said ignoring the woman with the excuse of being busy with the sport is wrong and that there's a plenty of time to contact ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Even a national athlete says this. Non-national athletes who don't bother to contact their girlfriends because "they don't have time" are just trash.

4. [+172, -3] Yes fuck. I'm dating a soccer player right now and I can't even call him. I held his hand once in school. During the 70 days of dating, I couldn't contact him for 2 full weeks and I haven't even seen him for a month.

5. [+158, -0] They're used to the military-like culture so they're strict and pretentious.

6. [+130, -1] They talk about sleeping with their girlfriends in their dorm.

7. [+114, -1] For athletes, one of the most important hormones is testosterone. It's very important for growing muscles and enhancing physical performance. That's why injecting or consuming testosterone is illegal. Athletes have much higher testosterone rates compared to non-athletes. Testosterone makes you more competitive and numb to pain and fear. It also increases aggressiveness and sexual urges. So the majority of athletes are much more macho-like than non-athletes. On the other hand, their muscular bodies make them physically strong and sexually attractive. If you like that, then you can date them. If you want a man who's sweet, then it'll be hard to find one who's an athlete.

8. [+104, -6] I've been dating an athlete for a year. He has serious mood swings, he's competitive, and he has high self-esteem. It's hard sometimes. He has a lot of women around him but he's clear with "my woman" vs "other women" and he's disgusted with the idea of cheating. He also has a strong sense of possession... And a lot of athletes also have a naive personality because all they did was exercise in their whole life.

9. [+73, -1] They're only good in bed ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I know some people who dated athletes and all of them ended dirtily. They either caught cheating or got contacted by other girlfriends ㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+66, -3] Baseball and soccer players are serious trash.

Friday 24 August 2018

Daftar SITE Cardable untuk HACKER (CARDER)

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Tutorial Dump Lock Country

Bahan =
- Remote Desktop Protocol ( Beli :v )
- Sqli dumper v8.2 ( Ada Di Google )
- dork searcher ez ( Ada Di Google )
- work with dork johndoe v2.1 ( Ada Di Google )

☻ Buka di google
☻ pilih yang BING,ubah bahasa sama negara ( sesuai mau dump mana kita) key nya bebas,terserah situ
☻ kalo udah enter aja gan,copy all
☻ sekarang buka work with dork ( download jika belom punya)
☻ di bagian paling kanan hapus semua dulu,lalu paste ke situ (yg tadi kita copy all)
☻ dibagian bawah kiri ada tulisan" site: " kita ubah mau lock mana,misal france ya tinggal tambahin"site:fr"
☻ setelah itu kita start gan,tunggu sampai selesai
☻ jika sudah,kita buka Dork Searcher EZ (download jika belom ada)
☻ eits,kita cari proxy nya dulu ya :D buka google tulis "blogspot proxy" (hilangkan tanda ""
☻ jika sudah,copy semua proxy nya gan,paste ke notepad lalu save
☻ nah sekarang buka Dork Searcher EZ
☻ di SOURCE kita klik gan,arahin ke result di WORK WITH DORK tadi ya
☻ di PROXY kita klik gan,arahin ke proxy yg kita save tadi
☻ jika sudah,ceklis yg bing saja ya :D yang lain tidak usah
☻ lalu start,tunggu aja..........................................
☻ sekarang buka sqli dumper v8.0 ( download jika belom punya)
☻ kita import,dimana itu? (dibagian bawah kiri gan)
☻ arahin ke result di DORK SEARCHER EZA
☻ tunggu aja samapai selesai :D
☻ lalu kita klik EXPLOITABLES (start Analizer) tunggu hingga selesai ea
☻ jika sudah kita klik injectables (start Analizer) tunggu sampai selesai ea

-Jika pengen lebih joss,pake google translet ya,pas di keywordtool tadi,jika mau dump france (ke google translet,ubah dari indo ke france)



