Wednesday 22 August 2018

Roady McRoadface

If you allow politicians to name streets and roads then they will undoubtedly give them the names of  men (definitely not women). Usually these will be men whose main claim to fame is that they have killed a lot of people.

The best way to avoid ending up with a road map which is dominated by the names of male psychopaths is to crowd-source the naming of your streets and roads. By doing this you

Ich Bin Kein Berliner

Less than 47% of people who live in Berlin were born in the German capital. The vast majority of Berliners were born outside of the city. You can view where all these newcomers to Berlin originally came from in a new interactive map from the German broadcaster RBB.

The Cities and Countries Where Berliners Come From is a dot map showing the places around the world where Berliners were born. Each

Tuesday 21 August 2018

Before & After Imagery of the Carr Fire

Redding GIS has created a couple of interactive maps which use drone imagery to document and assess the damage to property caused by the Carr fire in California. The Carr fire destroyed over 1,500 buildings, at least 1,000 of which were people's homes. Within 48 hours of the fire Redding GIS was able to release an interactive map which residents could use to check whether their homes had been

Exploring Ancient Rome

Heritage Daily has created an interactive map providing information on some of ancient Rome's most iconic buildings. The map shows the footprints of some of ancient Rome's surviving buildings. Buildings which you can still visit today.

Heritage Daily's Ancient Rome map shows the location of major ancient Roman roads and some of the city's surviving ancient monuments. These ancient buildings are

Harry Beck's Live London Tube Map

Mathew Somerville's Live London Tube Map has been tracking the real-time movements of London Underground trains since 2010. It provides an incredible live view of the tube, showing all the network's trains moving in real-time on a map of London.

Over the years the Live London Tube Map has had a few updates. Most significantly it shifted from using the Google Maps API to Leaflet.js. It also now

Monday 20 August 2018

Taxis are the New Pizza

In the early days of online mapping the go to demo for any new mapping platform was an interactive mapped visualization of pizza restaurants. These days the go to demo map appears to be New York taxi data. Here are just a few of the interactive maps which have visualized taxi journeys in New York.

NYC Taxi Rides is a comprehensive data visualization of New York yellow cab taxi rides. The map

Mapping One Long Hot Summer

The Berliner Morgenpost has visualized the effects of the record breaking heat this summer in a series of satellite images. The record temperatures in Germany this year has silted riverbeds, turned green parks into seeming deserts and parched arable land.

In Drought in Germany - Satellite Image Comparison the newspaper has used before & after satellite images to show the effects of the extreme

Deface Metode Register Pro Taxi (Shel Upload)

Deface Metode Register Pro Taxi (Shel Upload)

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Baiklah bertemu lagi dengan saya Adewa (Mr.Adewa)
Terimakasih telah berkunjung ke web sederhanan ini. Hehe
Kali ini saya akan memberikan Tutorial Deface Metode Register Pro Taxi (Shel Upload)
Sebelum deface sebaiknya kita mempersiapkan alat dan bahan
-Script Deface (Saya rasa udah punya sendiri-sendiri)
-Shel Klik Di sini
 inurl:/user/signin site
 intext:"Sign In Now" site

Baiklah langsung saja kita mulai
1. Dorking dulu di gogle. Kembangkan dorknya agar dapat yg vuln

2. Jika menemukan web seperti ini tandanya vuln

3. Tambahkan exploit atau register di sana (Isi data asal asal aja). Jika sudah login dan masuk ke bagian profil, di sini kalian upload shellny

Ingat extensinya bro. Kalo kalian upload php cari extensinya .php Cara mencari Tekan CTRL+U cari formatnya atau klik di profile tadi

4. Masuk ke shellnya. Bebas deh mau ngapain

Jika masih kurang jelas bisa Lihat tutor di bawah ini

Jangan lupa baca juga
Catatan. Saya Admin tidak pernah bertanggung jawab dengan apa yang kalian perbuat
Jika ada masalah jangan pernah menyalakan website ini
Tutor ini di buat untuk mengetest/pentester suatu website apakah web itu memiliki bug apa enggak
Mungkin hanya itu kata kata yg bisa saya ucapkan

Sekian dan Terimakasih
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb


Cara buat web phising di hp dengan mudah

Cara buat web phising di hp dengan mudah

Assalmualaikum wr.wb.
Seperti biasa sya akn posting sesuatu yg bermanfaa,,

Yaitu cara buat web phising
Ap itu phising?phising adalh suatu situs/web jebakan yg klo anda masuk keweb itu anda disuruh memasukkan data² akun anda

Ok bagaiman cara buat phising cukup mudah

1.siapin dulu akun cpanel kalian klo belum ad bisa beli,atau daftar di, dll

2.login dan klik file manager

3.klik public_html
4.klik upload diatas pojok kiri

5.lalu upload deh script nya disini sdh bnyak sya sediakan
6.ekstrak script tdi maka akn jdi bnyak seperti ss diatas pilih deh login php lalu geser kepojok kanan ad tulisan edit pencet itu
7.lalu ganti deh jdi email kalian,,ok untuk tes buka aj web domain klian

Note:script phising nya udh bnyak sya sediakan disini

All Script phising jumlah 46 zip

All Script phising jumlah 46 zip

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Disini sya akan berbagi script phising punya sya, format nya zip size kurang lebih 30 mb jdi hrus diekstrak dulu,,,

Ok karna sya bukan tipe orang yg suka nulis artikel panjang²  nanti pada males kalian bacanya klo sya nulis panjang² tpi sya bingung kenapa yaa sya nulis trus katanys gk suka nulis panjang²,mungkin karna kli aj klian penasaran alasan sya gk suka nulis artikel panjang².

Semua berawal kenapa sya malah mau crita pengalaman sya wkwkwk tdi kan diatas sya gk suka yaa nulis artikel panjang² btw ini udh panjang ya.

Klo sya nulis yg panjang² entar klian males lgi bacany.
Ok langsung sya ni link nya

Untuk tutor buat phising nya>>>Tutor buat web phising di android

Yg udh download please yaa komen izin di komentar biar lebih semangat sya post² sc terbaru


